
Monday 9 July 2012

Get Away With You!!

Hello lovelies! Here is another piece of work that i want to share with all you beautiful people! This project is unrefined. I ended up running out of time to completely finish and polish it off but here is what i have at the moment!
The project was titled "Get Away With You." We had to pretend that we were going on a residential trip to a location and with an artist of choice. I chose CUBA and FIONA RAE!  I ADORE Fiona Rae's work, she paints so amazingly and creates these vivid pieces! I chose Cuba because of there decaying glory. The country in filled with bright vivid coloured walls, that are now cracking and peeling under the sunlight. I used this as inspiration and combined ideas with Fiona Rae's work. I sampled used fabric and different types of inks and paints. I created painterly marks using an acrylic board, a small palette knife and lino printing inks. I also used silk screen printing to add text to the pieces (VIVA CUBA LIBRE!). To recreate the peeling paints i used a soldering iron to melt fabrics together.

Fiona Rae


Finalised Samples

Final Sample

Again this project was un refined, so i didn't end up making a "final" outcome. I would have experimented a lot more with the layout of the piece and colours. Unfortunately this project came right in the middle of university open days, interviews and sorting out my UCAS PS. So i was a little distracted through out the project! But please feel free to leave me some feed back!

Thank You Lovelies!
Betty xox

1 comment:

  1. You are so talented, I was suprised to see I'm your first follower! Keep blogging!
